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Brief Update

The current commissions are coming along quite well, though not quite so quickly.

Hopefully I will not be faulted for giving out more work than was bargained for, I really have a hard time letting go of anything I do not find good enough, and that bar tends to raise with each painting, each brush stroke.

I am not one of those with a large body of work, or many works per year/per month; This, not because of lack of time invested… but because my tendencies are towards time invested being focused upon very few works. I am abnormally picky and obsessive – my knowledge of this fact changes nothing, because I would not have it any other way.

The current piece is only 24×24 inches, but most at this point has been painted with a single hair at the end of a tiny stick – ropes thinner than threads, decor and details smaller than the point of a needle… and many of them.

I am glad to announce that I will have an image of this latest piece online any day now. I only wish I had more with which to break my recent silence.

Times have been tough, for me, likely for you – I’ve had to work harder and harder each day since last June to stay on top of things. I do wish I more time for the art I do, more art to share – one of these days, hopefully, I will be doing well enough with this that I can spend my time only painting.

Nevertheless, there will be content – more free wallpapers on the way, and I am spending my down time thinking of what other things I can offer you here.

Watch this space – I’ll be back in a moment. Don’t go anywhere.